Midland Regional Demonstration Center

CIL is proud to be a Regional Demonstration Center for Florida Alliance for Assistive Services Technology (FAAST), which allows us to provide access to loan and acquire assistive technology. There is a wide range of assistive technology device categories, such as: activities of daily living, adaptive toys and games, communication, computer access, environmental access, mobility, and seating and positioning


Core Services

Information and Assistance 

We respond to requests for information and/or put individuals in contact with other agencies, organizations or companies that can provide them with needed information on AT products, devices, services, funding sources or other related disability supports. 

Assistive Technology Equipment Loans 

We have a device loan program where assistive technology devices may be borrowed for a short period of time to 

  • assist with decision making in selecting and acquiring appropriate AT options 
  • serve as a loaner while waiting for a repair or funding 
  • provide an accommodation on a short-term basis for a time limited event 
  • support training, self-education and/or other types of professional activities

Device Demonstrations 

We offer device demonstrations to allow individuals to compare the benefits and features across devices or groups of devices in order to make informed choices about AT options. 


Our training activities are instructional events tailored to specified purposes and audiences. Examples of trainings include classes, workshops and presentations with goals of increasing participant skills, knowledge and competency.

Want to learn more about FAAST? Contact us!

[email protected]


Public Health Monthly Series

Presented by CIL and FAAST

Watch the episodes you missed here!

Episode 1: COVID-19 and other Airborne Viruses

Password: CilF@AST22

Password: CilF@AST22

Episode 2: Social Isolation & Its Risk

Password: CilF@Ast23

Password: F@Ast2023

Episode 3: COVID-19 Prevention

Password: F@Ast2023

Password: F@Ast2023

Episode 4: COVID-19 Response

Password: F@Ast2023

Password: F@Ast2023

Episode 5: COVID-19 and Other Airborne Virus Protection

Password: F@Ast2023

Episode 6: The Digital Divide

Password: F@Ast2023

Episode 7: Social Isolation Recap

Password: F@Ast2023