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National Disability Voter Registration Week (September 13-20)


Written by Golda Kelli Ryan


This year, National Disability Voter Registration Week is September 13 – 20. This is a time to empower voters with disabilities to exercise their right to vote. National Disability Voter Registration Week is coordinated by the American Association of People with Disabilities and REV UP which stands for “Register, Educate, Vote, Use your Power!” The REV UP Campaign aims to expand the political force of individuals with disabilities by increasing their political power and sharing educational resources that give them the confidence to register to vote.

Why is it important that people with disabilities vote?

According to Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations, “voter turnout surged among citizens with disabilities in 2020. The turnout increased by 5.9 points in comparison to the 2016 general election.” Citizens with disabilities are letting their voices be heard and their determination was recognized in the November 2020 election, when 17.7 million people (about the population of New York) with disabilities casted their vote.

History of Voter Disability Rights over the Last 50 Years 

It is important to understand the federal laws that have paved the way to protect and increase the rights of voters with disabilities. Here are some federal laws over the last 56 years that have improved the voting rights and experiences for disabled voters:

These federal laws collectively establish standards that will protect the civil rights of people with disabilities. Several obstacles and barriers were recognized and removed to ensure that adequate assistance is provided at polling locations. By staying up to date on policies and laws, voters with disabilities can take control and exercise their civil rights.

How Can People with Disabilities Get More Involved with the Voting System? 

Another way to become educated about voter’s rights is by connecting with the community. To educate and encourage current and potential voters here in Central Florida, the Center for Independent Living (CIL) is partnering with the Orange County Supervisor of Elections during National Disability Voter Registration Week. On Thursday, September 16, from 12pm to 2pm,  community members are invited to visit the CIL (720 N. Denning Dr. Winter Park.) The event is FREE, and no registration is needed (learn more about the event here). At the event, you will learn how to use ADA-compliant voting equipment, register to vote if you are not registered, update your voter registration information, and get to know more about how voting works and why YOUR voice matters to our community.